Episode 214 - How To Negotiate Effectively
Whether it’s working arrangements, a pay rise, contract terms with a client or project timelines with colleagues, we are all required to negotiate at some point. This week we explore ways to negotiate effectively.
Whether it’s working arrangements, a pay rise, contract terms with a client or project timelines with colleagues, we are all required to negotiate at some point. This week we explore ways to negotiate effectively.
Hello and welcome to episode 214 of the Leadership Today podcast where each week we share practical tips to improve your leadership. This week we explore ways to negotiate effectively.
Whether it’s working arrangements, a pay rise, contract terms with a client or project timelines with colleagues, we are all required to negotiate at some point. Understanding the fundamentals of negotiation can help to achieve a great outcome for you, while also seeking to build the relationship with the other person.
Before we work through some tips to help your negotiations, it’s important to understand position versus interest. People come to a negotiation with a particular position in mind. This is the stance they are taking and sharing openly with the other person. For example, a colleague might have a position that a particular project will take six weeks to deliver. Behind every position is a set of interests. Interests are the reasons behind the position. So your colleague’s position around the project taking six weeks to deliver could be based on interests such as not overworking their team, delivering other projects on time, or not wanting to over-promise a faster turnaround. As we negotiate it’s important to move past positions and towards interests. Being aware of interests provides much more flexibility for all parties in a negotiation.
Beyond that, there are several points to be aware of before and during a negotiation:
Be clear about your goals and priorities. Entering a negotiation without being clear about what’s important to you and what you want is very risky. It’s helpful to write down what you want to achieve and why. Think about where you are willing to compromise and what’s not negotiable. Writing these down can be helpful.
Research and gather information. Make sure you have facts, data and documentation ready to go. This will help you to make informed decisions, anticipate counter-arguments, and establish credibility in the negotiation.
Work on your communication skills. Be confident, clear and concise when expressing your views. Also recognise that communication is two-way. Listen to the other person, ask questions, stay curious, and work towards uncovering their underlying interests. A respectful, empathetic and collaborative approach will help you to build rapport and avoid the negotiation becoming overly adversarial.
Be open to compromise. Negotiation typically involves give and take. Sometimes we need to be flexible and creative in the pursuit of an outcome that will work for both parties.
Know when to walk away. There will be times when you can’t reach an agreement that is adequate for you. Go into a negotiation knowing what alternatives you have available if you can’t reach an outcome. This will help you to know when you need to strategically disengage and explore other options.
Becoming more effective at negotiating takes time and preparation. Give these tips a try as you seek to increase your negotiation skills.
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Episode 213 - How To Build a Great Career
With so much uncertainty and change it can be difficult to map out your career. However there are still steps we can take to build a great career.
With so much uncertainty and change it can be difficult to map out your career. However there are still steps we can take to build a great career.
Hello and welcome to episode 213 of the Leadership Today podcast where each week we share practical tips to improve your leadership. This week we explore how to build a great career.
In just a few generations the number of jobs someone is likely to have in their lifetime has increased markedly. Estimates vary, but it’s likely a young person commencing their working life today will have around 15 jobs and 3 separate careers. Even across 50 years of working, that’s changing jobs about every 3 years. Career planning is becoming more challenging and complex.
When it comes to building a great career, you will find many people propose finding work with a combination of:
Skills - what you’re good at
Interests - what you enjoy
Opportunities - what the world needs and is willing to pay for
The missing factor in this equation is growth - what you can develop. A job without growth opportunities will ultimately cause your career to stall. Life expectancy continues to increase so we will be working longer, which has implications for our training and development. The old model of completing training, then working in a career until your skills are bordering on redundant will no longer work. We have to continue learning, growing and adapting right across our career.
But how can you plan for a career when the job you might have in 10 years may not even exist now? Here’s how. A great career comes down to your mindset and actions. Despite rapid change and uncertainty, we can adopt a mindset that welcomes change, where we are willing to take calculated risks and learn from mistakes. We can invest in knowing ourselves and regularly improving our capabilities. And we can also build connections with others.
So in order to build a great career, I suggest you:
Ask “What is a great career… for me?” Your career is a personal expression of who you are and your broader purpose in life. Don’t fall into the trap of blindly following others’ careers or what your organisation is laying out for you as the accepted pathway. It’s very easy to drift without having a clear idea of what a great career means to you. Factor in opportunities to develop, breaks from work for holidays, or whatever else matters to you.
Set goals that matter. Approach life in a goal-oriented way. Keep stretching yourself forward towards clear goals.
Apply pathways thinking. When the initial path to a goal is blocked, find a different way to achieve that goal. When you hit an obstacle, ask yourself how else you can get to your goal.
Celebrate progress. Stop occasionally and reflect on what you can do now that you couldn’t do 12 months ago.
Don’t worry so much about making a career mistake. Even the seemingly poor career decisions we make are opportunities to learn and grow. The biggest mistake I made in my career turned out to also be one of my biggest development opportunities, and a stark reminder of the kind of career I really wanted. Even though it seemed like a career mistake, it actually helped me in my career.
Building a great career takes some effort. While we can’t necessarily plan every step, there are actions we can take to help build a great career.
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Episode 212 - How to Drive for Results
Leadership is about achieving results through people. With the demands of managing people, it can be easy to lose sight of results we need to achieve and deliver. In this episode we explore how to drive for results.
Leadership is about achieving results through people. With the demands of managing people, it can be easy to lose sight of results we need to achieve and deliver. In this episode we explore how to drive for results.
Hello and welcome to episode 212 of the Leadership Today podcast where each week we share practical tips to improve your leadership. This week we explore how to drive for results.
Leadership is about achieving results through people. With the demands of managing people, it can be easy to lose sight of results we need to achieve and deliver. We can become distracted or even become unaware of the key outcomes expected, and therefore not provide the direction, feedback and support our people need to achieve the right results. We have all seen leaders that fail to deliver. People are left wondering what they’re spending their time on, given the shortfalls in performance for them and their team. But there are practical things we can do to help us and our teams to drive for results.
Determine what results matter. There are many potential things you and your team could focus on, so it’s crucial to uncover the fewest most crucial results. This should involve consultation with your manager and other key stakeholders. Try to arrive at results that reflect a range of aspects of your work. For example, rather than just focusing on financial returns, you might also include customer satisfaction metrics. Otherwise we can risk chasing short-term results that lead to longer-term issues.
Link results to purpose. Results by themselves don’t provide meaning. Take the time to link results to a broader purpose. This will likely include the vision and purpose of your organisation. It’s also worth helping individuals and teams link the results of their work to things that matter to them personally. Your team members might engage with their work for very different reasons to you and your manager.
Communicate clear measures and targets. These should be shared and discussed with your team, but also with others within the organisation including your manager. You may need your manager to sign these targets off first so you should factor this additional time into your planning. It’s best to capture these in writing to ensure clarity and agreement.
Talk about the “how” not just the “what”. There’s no point chasing after results and causing damage to others and the business along the way. How we achieve results is just as important as the results themselves. You should encourage people to reflect on the organisation’s values and team commitments that encourage people to work collectively towards shared outcomes.
Undertake regular updates and check-ins. Research suggests that making results visible and freely available helps people to drive towards these metrics. A literal scoreboard can help, particularly where people can see the change in results from week to week. For dispersed teams, there are plenty of tools that allow you to share results through the collaboration platforms you already use.
Focus on continuous improvement. If we use a driving analogy, a car has a number of forces operating on it including acceleration, momentum and friction. We want to find ways to gradually accelerate our performance, adding to our momentum and reducing the friction of things that hold us back. It can help to frame a discussion with your team in these terms - what’s taking us forward, what’s keeping us stable, and what’s holding us back.
Celebrate efforts and outcomes. Some people prefer to be recognised for their efforts, while others prefer to be praised for their outcomes. It’s helpful to see both areas of recognition as important. Sometimes people do all the right things but the results just don’t come together for reasons outside of their control - we should celebrate this. Equally, we shouldn’t be shy about celebrating great outcomes when people have reached or exceed the targets that we have set.
Achievement drive is a common feature of effective teams and individuals. We can help our teams to establish and chase after purpose-filled results, providing feedback, support and encouragement along the way.
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Episode 211 - How To Maintain Composure Under Pressure
It’s common to experience stress at work and then struggle to perform at our best. We might even react in ways we regret later. This week we explore how to maintain composure under pressure.
It’s common to experience stress at work and then struggle to perform at our best. We might even react in ways we regret later. This week we explore how to maintain composure under pressure.
Hello and welcome to episode 211 of the Leadership Today podcast where each week we share practical tips to improve your leadership. This week we explore how to maintain composure under pressure.
It’s common to experience stress at work and then struggle to perform at our best. We might even react in ways we regret later. Perhaps it’s a comment from a colleague that annoys us, or our computer crashing and losing what we’ve been working on for hours. We then say or do something that’s not us at our best, or we might even feel unable to say or do what we’d like in that moment. But there are practical things we can do, both in the moment and as part of our daily routines, that can significantly improve the way we handle pressure.
Here are four things you can do beforehand:
Get plenty of sleep. Find a sleep routine that works for you and stick with it. Getting to bed around the same time and ensuring you have around 8 hours a night boosts your energy levels and resilience.
Start your day with exercise. This burns off stress hormones and allows you to begin your day with greater resilience to stressful situations that might arise. Find exercise that works for you. For example, if you commute, you might build a slightly longer walk into your routine. Or if you’re working from home, set an alarm to prompt you to take a walk.
Structure recovery time into your day. This might include taking breaks away from your work, going for a quick walk during the day, or even catching up with a colleague for a coffee away from the office. We are not great at sustained work and attention beyond 60 to 90 minutes, so short breaks across the day will help you to recover and reset. Even 5 minute breaks to step away from one task and mentally prepare for the next one make a huge difference.
Deal with any relational difficulties. Poor working relationships can place a lot of strain on our work day and lead us to become frustrated. We may then say or do things that don’t reflect us at our best. We don’t have to be best friends with everyone at work, but having open conversations with others about how you can best work together will help reduce stress and annoyance.
And now five things you can do In the moment:
Notice your emotional state. Just as we have a stream of conscious thoughts during the day, so we also have a steady stream of emotions. Tune into your body and emotional state. If you sense yourself moving up the emotional curve, do something about it before you reach the top.
Name it to tame it. Naming the emotion we are feeling helps us to manage it more effectively. Research even shows that putting a label on an emotion reduces the intensity of that emotion almost immediately. So if you feel angry, note that emotion.
Focus on your breathing. Simple techniques such as box breathing can rapidly calm our emotional state. Think of it like a box - breath in deeply for four seconds, hold for four seconds, exhale fully for four seconds, then hold for four seconds.
Have an escape plan. If you are feeling close to losing control of your emotional state, have a plan for how you might exit the situation.
Say sorry. If you do go over the edge and say or do something you regret, apologise to those involved. This will help others to understand that you weren’t at your best and that you intend to do better next time. An honest apology goes a long way to maintaining and building effective relationships.
These are just some practical things you can do beforehand and in the moment to help us maintain our composure and respond well when under pressure. If you found this helpful you can check out our Harnessing Your Emotions five day challenge for more tips - https://leadershiptoday.vhx.tv/challenge-harnessing-your-emotions . Have a great week.
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Episode 210 - How To Use Artificial Intelligence at Work
Artificial Intelligence is all around us and provides great opportunities to improve the quality and efficiency of our work. This week we explore how to use Artificial Intelligence at work.
Artificial Intelligence is all around us and provides great opportunities to improve the quality and efficiency of our work. This week we explore how to use Artificial Intelligence at work.
Hello and welcome to episode 210 of the Leadership Today podcast where each week we share practical tips to improve your leadership. This week we examine how to use Artificial Intelligence at work.
Artificial intelligence is a complex and evolving field. It can feel overwhelming to consider how to use AI at work. In reality, AI is built into so many things, that you’re already using AI multiple times per day. To help clarify, AI expert Juliette Powell talks about Artificial Intelligence as triple A systems - algorithmic, autonomous and automated. With this definition, it’s easy to see how your organisation is already applying AI. Here are some steps you can take to implement and use AI well at work.
Collaborate with Artificial Intelligence experts. While leaders don't need to be AI experts themselves, collaborating with professionals in the field is crucial for successful implementation. AI is not just a technology upgrade, it’s a completely different way of approaching work. There are risks implementing something that we don’t understand, so using experts to guide your thinking will help.
Establish clear governance. The application of Artificial Intelligence has ethical considerations. It’s possible to create adverse impacts on minority and other groups through the use of AI, so we need to proactively measure fairness and equity implications. Establishing clear governance around the use of AI will assist with this. We also need to consider data protection principles. Providing AI systems with access to your data may create privacy risks that need to be actively managed. Those accountable for AI governance should develop clear guidelines for employees to minimise these and other risks.
Identify high-impact use cases. Not all tasks require the intervention of AI, so leaders must strategically identify areas where AI can make the most significant impact. Conduct a thorough analysis of your business processes to pinpoint repetitive, time-consuming, or data-intensive tasks that could benefit from automation.
Education. Provide employees with the resources and opportunities to upskill and reskill in areas related to AI. Workshops, training programs, and online courses can help employees understand AI concepts, its applications, and how to integrate it into their daily tasks. By investing in education, leaders not only empower their teams but also create a workforce that is adaptable to the dynamic nature of AI technologies.
Encourage safe-fail experiments. It’s best to apply Artificial Intelligence in a way that minimises risk. Many organisations implement AI by first running the work through parallel processes to measure the impact on quality and efficiency. They are then able to objectively compare any benefits of AI with the traditional process without risking the quality of delivery.
Invest in quality data infrastructure. Artificial Intelligence is only as good as the data it uses. It’s easy for the implementation of AI to be let down by poor quality and out of date records. Assessing the quality of data being fed into AI will improve the outcomes you are likely to achieve.
Artificial Intelligence will continue to provide benefits to organisations looking to improve their performance. Being informed and considered helps us to manage the implementation of new systems in a way that maximises benefits and minimises risks.
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Episode 209 - How To Transition Into a New Role
Starting a new job can be exciting and terrifying at the same time. We are often keen to deliver results quickly, but taking action too soon can sometimes backfire. This week we explore how to transition into a new role.
Starting a new job can be exciting and terrifying at the same time. We are often keen to deliver results quickly, but taking action too soon can sometimes backfire. This week we explore how to transition into a new role.
Hello and welcome to episode 209 of the Leadership Today podcast where each week we share practical tips to improve your leadership. This week we explore how to transition into a new role.
Starting a new job can be exciting and slightly terrifying at the same time. We are often keen to deliver results quickly, but taking action too soon can sometimes backfire. We’ve all seen people come into a role and quickly institute change without fully appreciating the context for their work. Or others that focus on the wrong things and end up not delivering what’s required. There are some simple steps we can take to increase our chances of starting a new role well.
Plan your approach. While this step seems so obvious that it’s barely worth listing, it’s remarkable how many people start a new role without a plan in place. I recommend having a clear plan for your first day, your first week, and your first month. During those first few weeks you can then develop a broader 60 to 90 day plan. You can involve your manager in this planning to ensure your objectives align with their expectations. Look at what’s already in place, and resist the urge to make many changes in your first few weeks until you’ve had a chance to meet with others.
Connect with People. You want to use the first few weeks in a new role to meet with your manager, peers, direct reports, and customers. These meetings will vary in their objectives, but the main goal is to develop a connection with people - to introduce yourself and find out more about them. Where possible, you should meet with people in person. Be clear about the intent of the meetings - if it’s just to connect and find out more about them, then say that. The personal connections you establish in your first few weeks will serve you well into the future. They are also likely to provide further insight into the role and their expectations.
Connect with Purpose. Be clear about how the role contributes to the organisation. While this should be clear through the recruitment process, it’s worth clarifying with your manager how the role makes a larger contribution. This will help guide your decision making and also provide motivation for the role.
Determine Priorities. Identify the not-negotiable outcomes that need to be achieved. We’ve all seen people become excited about new initiatives and opportunities, only to neglect the core deliverables in their role. Once you’ve achieved the key elements of your role, you can then look towards other contributions.
Metrics. As you transition into a new role, it’s helpful to determine how to measure your progress and performance. In some roles it’s easy to identify metrics, but others can be a bit more challenging. Work with your manager and others to identify important metrics that provide a genuine insight into your performance.
Moving into a new role presents lots of opportunities and challenges. Taking these five steps will help you to make the transition successful.
If you are moving into a leadership role, you’ll find our free Leadership Practices Assessment and supporting videos helpful - https://leadershiptoday.vhx.tv/leadership-practices-1
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Episode 208 - How To Handle Sensitive Issues at Work
When sensitive issues arise in the workplace it can be hard to know what to say and do. We might shy away from political and social issues, or find it difficult to respond to those taking a particular stand on an issue. This week we explore practical ways to handle political and other sensitive issues at work.
When sensitive issues arise in the workplace it can be hard to know what to say and do. We might shy away from political and social issues, or find it difficult to respond to those taking a particular stand on an issue. This week we explore practical ways to handle political and other sensitive issues at work.
Hello and welcome to episode 208 of the Leadership Today podcast where each week we share practical tips to improve your leadership. This week we explore ways to handle political and other sensitive issues at work.
When sensitive issues arise in the workplace it can be hard to know what to say and do. We might shy away from political and social issues, or find it difficult to respond to those taking a particular stand on an issue. However political topics and social movements are bound to make their way into our workplaces. As a leader we need to demonstrate empathy, while also maintaining a respectful and inclusive environment. Here are five ways we can achieve this balance:
Stay neutral and objective. For political and other sensitive issues it’s best remain impartial and avoid taking sides. Your primary role as a leader is to create a safe and inclusive space for all employees, regardless of their political affiliations and beliefs. Point people to your organisational values and expectations as the guide on how people should interact at work.
Encourage open dialogue. While we might need to personally take a more neutral position, it’s important to allow people to discuss their perspectives at work. Ignoring political and social movements will seem odd to your people. Here we want to encourage respectful and constructive conversations where people can hear different points of view. Building understanding of different perspectives can help people to continue to work effectively with each other, even when they may hold quite different views.
Set clear boundaries. You should make it clear that while discussions about politics and other social issues are encouraged, they should never interfere with productivity or inclusion. We all need to work effectively with each other. People typically have far more in common than they do different from each other, so encourage people to focus on shared values and priorities.
Lead by example. In your interactions listen with curiosity and respect. Avoid sharing your political beliefs in a way that could alienate or intimidate others. Focus on common ground and shared values that unite the team.
Address conflicts promptly and privately. If political or other discussions escalate into conflict, address this quickly. Act as a mediator where that’s required, ensuring the people involved can share their perspectives and listen to each other in a respectful way. This will work best in private rather than involving the whole team.
Remember, the goal is to create an inclusive workplace where everyone feels heard and respected, regardless of their political or social beliefs. By setting a positive example and facilitating open, respectful discussions, you can help maintain a healthy work environment for your team.
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Your subscription brings together all of our video content in one place including:
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Episode 207 - How To Lead a Multigenerational Team
There are more generations in the workforce than ever before. How do we ensure expectations are met and people work together effectively? This week we discuss how to lead a multigenerational team.
There are more generations in the workforce than ever before. How do we ensure expectations are met and people work together effectively? This week we discuss how to lead a multigenerational team.
Hello and welcome to episode 207 of the Leadership Today podcast where each week we share practical tips to improve your leadership. This week we discuss how to lead a multigenerational team.
There are more generations in the workforce than ever before, with up to five generations all trying to work together. Generational differences and tensions are a regular feature in any discussion of work culture and challenges. So how do we not only reduce the downside risk of having this broad range of ages working together, but also harness the potential benefits? I’ve managed teams that included people who were brand new to the workforce right through to retirement age. For me the benefits were obvious, but there were occasional misunderstandings and challenges. Here are some points to consider when leading a multigenerational team.
People are far more than their generation. While each generation may have some shared experiences, there is huge diversity within generations. Leading someone solely based on their generation is likely to lead to poor outcomes for you and them. Their goals, needs and interests are likely to be more about them as an individual than them as a member of a generation.
Find out what matters to each individual. Have open discussions with your team members about their goals and what matters to them most at work. You might be surprised at what people raise during this discussion. For example, you might find younger and older team members both share an interest in flexible work arrangements, but for different reasons.
Tailor to individuals and their needs where possible. Adjusting your approach and meeting the needs of your team members is really important. For example, I’ve helped people to take additional unpaid leave for an overseas trip, varied the start and end times for people that needed that flexibility, and allowed people to work from different locations. You also want to do this in a way that is fair and sustainable. Be clear with people what you can and can’t vary, and why. You don’t want to set up precedents that are difficult to undo.
Build understanding and appreciation of diversity. Provide opportunities for people to work together and get to know each other. Use discussion prompts in team meetings with time set aside to build an understanding of each other. A great idea here is to ask people to share a five star recommendation - anything that they would give five stars to. This could include a book, holiday destination, activity, movie, restaurant, recipe - anything. You might be surprised at what interests people have in common.
Encourage inclusion. Diverse teams only outperform other teams where there is understanding and inclusion. Encourage people to actively include and consult with others to gain their perspectives. Use the experience in your team by asking people to mentor each other. I’ve even seen mentoring work well where a younger team member might mentor an older team member on something like use of technology or social media. Don’t assume that the mentor needs to be older than the person being mentored.
Harnessing the diversity in a multigenerational team can unlock many benefits for your team and organisation. It all starts with understanding and valuing the different experiences, skills and preferences people bring. Building inclusion can help people to see multiple generations in your team as a benefit rather than a drawback.
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Episode 206 - How To Deal With a Persistently Negative Team Member
Negativity can really impact a team’s motivation and performance. This week we explore how to manage a persistently negative team member.
Negativity can really impact a team’s motivation and performance. This week we explore how to manage a persistently negative team member.
Hello and welcome to episode 206 of the Leadership Today podcast where each week we share practical tips to improve your leadership. This week we explore how to manage a persistently negative team member.
Having a negative person on your team can be really draining. The tendency to always point out the downside and limitations can drag others down and reduce motivation. It can be a difficult situation to address. We don’t want to shut down criticism or pretend that everything is perfect, and we don’t want to respond in a way that makes them feel like they don’t belong. However, we also don’t want to become trapped in negativity that can impact others’ enthusiasm and commitment. Here are some tips that will help you to manage a persistently negative team member:
Don’t assume it will get better with time. Negativity doesn’t tend to go away. In fact, the more you allow it to take hold, the more it can grow within the team. You need to address unreasonable negativity early. Just hoping it will get better by itself is not going to work.
Don’t assume it’s all about work. Often the person who complains the most at work may also be facing challenges outside of work. An honest conversation can help address this.
Provide feedback on impact. Look for examples of negativity from the team member and provide feedback as soon as possible. You want to clearly anchor the feedback in a specific situation, and provide insight into the impact of the person’s actions on you and others. For example, “during the meeting earlier today when you described our new project as a waste of time that will never work, I saw several people look discouraged, and I felt like your comments made the project even harder to achieve”.
Explore their intent. Oftentimes our intent is not the same as our impact. In my earlier example, the person describing the project as a waste of time may not have intended to discourage others. They may have intended to express some concerns about the feasibility of the project. Once the person is aware of the impact of their approach, helping them to share their intent will provide you with greater context.
Help them to reframe. Once the person is clear on their intent, you can help them to achieve their desired impact. You might work through options of how they could express their concerns in a constructive way. For example, “I have some concerns about how feasible this project is. Can we discuss people’s views on that, and how we might make our goals achievable?”. This is likely to have a much more positive impact, while still addressing their original intent. In this way their negativity can be transformed into a super power that actually helps the team.
Listen for kernels of truth. It could well be that the project isn’t feasible. Just because something is expressed in a negative or damaging way doesn’t mean there isn’t some truth to what they’re saying. Asking probing questions to explore their perspective can help draw out a new perspective in a more positive and actionable way.
Recognise improvement. Look for examples of the person expressing things in more constructive ways and provide positive encouraging feedback to the individual. It’s always important to notice and appreciate efforts to grow and improve.
Negativity is contagious and challenging to manage. Engaging with the person sharing negative views can help turn them around, and provide them with more positive ways of making an important contribution to the team. Have a great week.
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Your subscription brings together all of our video content in one place including:
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That's over $4,500 of content for less than the price of a single online course. And there are more videos added each week.
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Interview - Juliette Powell - The AI Dilemma
In this interview we speak with Juliette Powell about her latest book, The AI Dilemma - 7 Principles for Responsible Technology
During the interview we discuss a range of issues and opportunities around Artificial Intelligence:
- What drew Juliette into AI in the first place
- The "dilemma" in the AI dilemma
- Ways to think about AI in terms of triple A systems - algorithmic, autonomous and automated
- How to avoid the dehumanising impact of AI in organisations and society
- How to introduce AI in an organisation while avoiding magnification of existing bias
- Regulation of AI by technology firms and government
- The implications of AI for the employment market
In this interview we speak with Juliette Powell about her latest book, The AI Dilemma - 7 Principles for Responsible Technology
During the interview we discuss a range of issues and opportunities around Artificial Intelligence:
- What drew Juliette into AI in the first place
- The "dilemma" in the AI dilemma
- Ways to think about AI in terms of triple A systems - algorithmic, autonomous and automated
- How to avoid the dehumanising impact of AI in organisations and society
- How to introduce AI in an organisation while avoiding magnification of existing bias
- Regulation of AI by technology firms and government
- The implications of AI for the employment market
Juliette Powell is an independent researcher, entrepreneur, and keynote speaker at the intersection of technology and business. Her consulting services focus on global strategy and scenarios related to AI and data, banking, mobile, retail, social gaming, and responsible technology. She has delivered live commentary on Bloomberg, BNN, NBC, CNN, ABC, and BBC and presentations at institutions like The Economist, Harvard, and MIT. She works with such organizations as Reuters, the United Nations, Warner Brothers, l’Union des Banques Suisses, Microsoft, The Red Cross, Cirque du Soleil, IBM, and the World Bank Group.
Juliette’s previous book is 33 Million People in the Room: How to Create, Influence, and Run a Successful Business with Social Networking (Financial Times Press, 2009). She was a cofounder with Intel Labs of the research network WeTheData. The AI Dilemma is based in part on her research conducted at Columbia University. Powell is a faculty member at New York University’s Interactive Telecommunications Program and the founding partner of Kleiner Powell International (KPI), kleinerpowell.com.
You can learn more about Juliette and her latest book here: https://www.juliettepowell.com/
Episode 205 - How To Develop a Leadership Succession Plan
Moving on to a new role is a whole lot smoother when you have someone ready to replace you. This week we walk through the key steps to developing a leadership succession plan.
Moving on to a new role is a whole lot smoother when you have someone ready to replace you. This week we walk through the key steps to developing a leadership succession plan.
Hello and welcome to episode 205 of the Leadership Today podcast where each week we share practical tips to improve your leadership. This week we walk through the key steps to developing a leadership succession plan.
Moving on to a new role is a whole lot smoother when you have someone ready to replace you. All too often though we look for a change of role, and then have to rush finding a replacement or miss the chance to handover altogether. With some forward planning and effort we can ensure that leadership succession is smooth, fair, and well executed.
Step 1 is to identify potential successors. An important point here is that the successor to your role doesn’t necessarily have to come from your team. You will want to work with your own leader and others across the organisation to identify potential successors early. This could be based on performance evaluation data, 360 degree feedback, and other records. Potential successors don’t need to be ready to do your job today. In fact. It’s highly unlikely that anyone will be able to make a direct transition into your role without some development. Look instead for people who may have demonstrated performance or potential related to your role. Even if they’re 70% of the way to being able to do your role, with time you are likely to be able to bridge that gap.
Step 2 is to create individual development plans. These should be put together in consultation with individuals. There’s not much point considering someone as a successor for your role if they’re not interested in the role. Some people may be happy at their current level, or they may be looking for quite a different opportunity in the future. Individual development plans and discussions should include career planning. Identify any gaps the individual may have for taking on your role and other identified potential roles.
Step 3 is to provide development opportunities. Here we are working with the person to fill their development gaps. We often default to training courses, but development gaps are often best filled through stretch assignments and projects, mentoring and coaching. Look for opportunities to build their development into the work itself.
Step 4 is to test the succession plan. Here we want the individual to have a chance in the role itself. You can have potential successors step up into your role while you’re away, or work alongside you on a project. Keep in mind that the person may want to do things differently to you, so provide freedom to make the role their own where that’s possible..
A leadership succession plan is a great way to help you, the person who will take over your role, and your organisation to be successful.
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Your subscription brings together all of our video content in one place including:
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Episode 204 - How To Lead a Team Through Grief
Grief and loss are inevitable experiences for all of us. This week we explore how to lead a team through grief.
Grief and loss are inevitable experiences for all of us. This week we explore how to lead a team through grief.
Hello and welcome to episode 204 of the Leadership Today podcast where each week we share practical tips to improve your leadership. This week we explore how to lead a team through grief.
Grief and loss are inevitable experiences for all of us. And the experience of grief isn’t confined to our personal lives. Things like the death of a colleague, serious illness, and workplace accidents can all lead to grief at work. As a leader it can be hard to know how to respond. We may either try to continue with business as usual, or be tempted to become full time counsellors. On top of that, the grief is likely to impact us personally as well. Here are four things worth focusing on when you’re leading a team through grief and loss.
First, it’s important to recognise grief’s varying influence on the team. While grief is a universal experience, it affects individuals differently. Some may visibly demonstrate their grief, while others may internalise their emotions. It’s important to also recognise that people will take varying times to process their emotions around grief. It’s important to listen to people and give them your full attention. Acknowledging and validating their feelings can really help people to see their reactions as normal and acceptable in a workplace setting.
Second, acknowledge with the team the likely impact on productivity and engagement. Grief will understandably distract people from their work. It’s unreasonable to expect productivity to remain constant. This is an important moment to clarify priorities and adjust expectations. You may need to communicate this upwards to ensure any likely operational impacts are clear. Many people will find work a welcome distraction from their grieving. Providing a sense of meaning and purpose to the work will help people to continue to contribute, even if overall output is reduced.
Third, ensure emotional well-being is a priority. Link people to any available resources your organisation may offer such as employee assistance programs or counselling. You may want to offer flexible work arrangements and time off to provide space for people to grieve. Normalise seeking help through these resources.
And the fourth point, foster a supportive team environment. Even as the team leader you don’t need to be the sole source of care and support. Team members can support each other. Ensure that grieving team members do not feel isolated or excluded. Include them in team activities and discussions, but respect their need for space. Also, recognise the support that you might need. There’s not much point leading your team through grief, only to collapse at the end of the process.
Grief in any context is difficult. At work these practical steps can really help you and your team to grieve well and support each other effectively.
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Leadership Today On-Demand is a video subscription service that allows you to work on your leadership in your own time and at your own pace. It is available online and through our Apple iOS and Android apps for phones and tablets. Our mission is to help you to become an even better leader.
Your subscription brings together all of our video content in one place including:
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Episode 203 - How To Stay Optimistic
Optimism is pretty easy when things are going well. This week we explore how to stay optimistic, even in challenging situations.
Optimism is pretty easy when things are going well. This week we explore how to stay optimistic, even in challenging situations.
Hello and welcome to episode 203 of the Leadership Today podcast where each week we share practical tips to improve your leadership. This week we explore how to stay optimistic, even in challenging situations.
Optimism is pretty easy when things are going well. Seeing the bright side isn’t difficult when things are bright. But our lives aren’t typically either good or bad. Even in the good times, challenging situations can arise and knock us around. But how optimistic we feel has very little to do with our circumstances. Instead we can all learn optimism and apply it as a skill.
Optimism is a lens through which we view life. Optimism zooms in on the good things to really study and make the most of them. It allows the good moments to spread across other areas of our life, and into the future over a longer period of time. In contrast, optimism zooms out in the challenging moments to gain greater perspective. It contains the bad things to one area of our life and to a moment in time. So how do we stay optimistic?
Schedule time to step back and reflect. Often we end up on autopilot, letting our circumstances dictate how we think and feel. Instead, we want to grab hold of our thoughts and put them in perspective. We want to be intentional about how we think and feel. This requires time to reflect, and the best way to ensure this happens is to schedule it in your calendar. Take time at the start of each day to choose how you want to think and feel about any good and not-so-good things that happen. Take time at the end of the day to reflect on the things you are grateful for.
Tame how you speak to yourself. Often the way we speak to ourselves is not very kind. When things go wrong we can quickly become our own worst critic. If a friend spoke to us the way we speak to ourselves in those moments, they probably wouldn’t be a friend for very long. Instead, be generous and kind to yourself. Speak to yourself as a supportive friend.
Reframe challenges as opportunities for growth. When we expand our horizons and try new things, we build optimism and resilience. Sure - we might make mistakes or find new things hard - that’s to be expected. See these minor setbacks as chances to become wiser, stronger and more capable.
Build supportive connections. Life isn’t meant to be travelled alone. We need other people. Gather people around you that you can support and that can support you. Look for ways to encourage other people. Helping people is motivating and will make you feel more optimistic.
Have a laugh. I was recently stuck at the airport with some colleagues as our flights became more and more delayed. To make things worse, I was going to miss a dinner with friends that I had been looking forward to. We started sharing some pretty low quality jokes with each other. Suddenly the annoying flight delays became a great chance to connect and feel joy together. Even in the hard times, take time to experience joy.
Optimism is something we can all learn and improve. It just takes some intentional effort, time and focus to see the good in life and recognise opportunities to grow and develop. Have a great week.
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Your subscription brings together all of our video content in one place including:
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Episode 202 - How To Gain Input From Others
Even the best leaders need to listen to broad perspectives. This week we explore ways to gain input from others.
Even the best leaders need to listen to broad perspectives. This week we explore ways to gain input from others.
Hello and welcome to episode 202 of the Leadership Today podcast where each week we share practical tips to improve your leadership. This week we explore ways to gain input from others.
As a leader, your decisions can shape the direction of your team and organisation. While your experience and expertise are invaluable, tapping into the insights of your team members can lead to more well-rounded and innovative solutions. Gaining additional input not only empowers your team but also strengthens your leadership. Let’s explore four practical tips to help you gather valuable input from others and make more informed decisions.
1. Foster an Open and Inclusive Environment: Creating an environment where diverse perspectives are welcomed is essential. Encourage open discussions, active listening, and the sharing of ideas without fear of judgment. When team members feel their input is valued, they are more likely to contribute their insights, leading to richer discussions and better decisions.
2. Schedule Regular Feedback Sessions: Set aside dedicated time for feedback sessions with your team. These sessions can take the form of one-on-one meetings or group discussions. Use these opportunities to ask open-ended questions, such as "What challenges are you currently facing?" or "Do you have any suggestions to improve our processes?" Regular feedback sessions not only provide a platform for input but also demonstrate your commitment to continuous improvement.
3. Use Brainstorming Techniques: Brainstorming is a powerful tool for generating a wide range of ideas. Organise brainstorming sessions where team members can freely contribute their thoughts on a particular challenge or project. Encourage a no-judgment atmosphere, and use techniques like mind mapping to ensure everyone's input is heard. Brainstorming sessions can lead to innovative solutions that might not have surfaced otherwise.
4. Implement Anonymous Surveys: Sometimes, team members may be hesitant to share their input openly. In larger teams and groups anonymous surveys can provide a safe space for honest feedback. Use surveys to gather opinions on specific topics, collect suggestions for improvement, or gauge overall satisfaction. Ensure the surveys are well-structured and ask targeted questions to gather actionable insights.
Tapping into the collective wisdom of your team can strengthen your leadership. By fostering an inclusive environment, scheduling regular feedback sessions, using brainstorming techniques, and implementing anonymous surveys, you empower your team to contribute their insights. Embracing diverse perspectives leads to more informed decisions, innovative solutions, and a team that feels valued and engaged. As you integrate these practical tips into your leadership approach, you'll not only strengthen the bond with your team but also harness the power of collaborative decision-making for an even better future.
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Leadership Today On-Demand is a video subscription service that allows you to work on your leadership in your own time and at your own pace. It is available online and through our Apple iOS and Android apps for phones and tablets. Our mission is to help you to become an even better leader.
Your subscription brings together all of our video content in one place including:
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That's over $4,500 of content for less than the price of a single online course. And there are more videos added each week.
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Episode 201 - How To Set Better Goals
Given how important goal setting is to performance and satisfaction, we can all use some tips to improve our goal setting. This week we explore how to set better goals.
Given how important goal setting is to performance and satisfaction, we can all use some tips to improve our goal setting. This week we explore how to set better goals.
Hello and welcome to episode 201 of the Leadership Today podcast where each week we share practical tips to improve your leadership. This week we explore how to set better goals.
Goal setting is a core activity that guides individuals and teams towards success. As a leader, your ability to set clear and meaningful goals is central to achieving excellence. However, we’re often less effective at goal setting than we think. Today we will explore four practical actions you can take to set better goals, both for yourself and for your team.
1. Align with Vision and Strategy: Every goal should be a stepping stone towards a larger vision. Before setting goals, ensure that they align with your team's overall vision and the organisation's strategic objectives. This alignment keeps everyone focused and moving in the same direction. When goals resonate with a higher purpose, they become more meaningful and more motivating.
2. Make Goals SMART:
SMART goals are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. This framework provides a set of criteria for goal setting that ensures clarity and accountability.
Specific: Define goals clearly and precisely. The more specific the goal, the easier it is to understand and work towards.
Measurable: Set concrete metrics to track progress. Measurement adds objectivity to the process and enables you to assess whether the goal has been achieved.
Achievable: Goals should be challenging yet realistic. Ensure that the goal can be accomplished with the available resources and effort. Also make sure there is an achievement point - a moment when you can say that the goal has been completed.
Relevant: Goals should be relevant to the individual, team, or organisation's current needs and priorities.
Time-bound: Set a clear timeframe for achieving the goal. This adds urgency and prevents goals from dragging on indefinitely.
3. Foster Ownership and Collaboration: Involve your team in the goal-setting process. When people have a say in setting their own goals, they feel a sense of ownership and commitment. Encourage collaboration by soliciting input and feedback from team members. This not only leads to better goal alignment but also promotes a culture of shared responsibility.
4. Break Down Goals into Milestones: Large goals can feel overwhelming, but breaking them down into smaller, manageable milestones can make them more achievable. Each milestone serves as a mini-goal and a progress marker. Celebrate successes as these milestones are reached, boosting motivation and maintaining momentum.
Goal setting is both an art and a science, and leaders who excel at it inspire their teams to reach new heights. By aligning goals with vision and strategy, making them SMART, fostering ownership and collaboration, and breaking them down into milestones, you set the stage for success. Remember, the best goals are those that not only drive performance but also resonate with the hearts and minds of your team, creating a sense of purpose and fulfilment in every achievement. Have a great week.
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Leadership Today On-Demand is a video subscription service that allows you to work on your leadership in your own time and at your own pace. It is available online and through our Apple iOS and Android apps for phones and tablets. Our mission is to help you to become an even better leader.
Your subscription brings together all of our video content in one place including:
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That's over $4,500 of content for less than the price of a single online course. And there are more videos added each week.
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Episode 200 - How To Overcome Procrastination
Procrastination has been described as “our favourite form of self-sabotage” (Alyce Cornyn-Selby). This week we explore how to overcome it.
Procrastination has been described as “our favourite form of self-sabotage” (Alyce Cornyn-Selby). This week we explore how to overcome it.
Hello and welcome to episode 200 of the Leadership Today podcast where each week we share practical tips to improve your leadership. Procrastination has been described as “our favourite form of self-sabotage” (Alyce Cornyn-Selby). This week we explore how to overcome it.
Most people experience procrastination from time to time. 25% of the population even have procrastination as a defining personality trait. Procrastination is associated with a range of negative aspects including low self-esteem, pessimism, anxiety, fatigue and detachment. It’s not only bad for performance - procrastination can wreak havoc on our well-being.
Procrastination can be defined as voluntarily delaying an intended task despite expecting to be worse off for doing so. This is a crucial element of procrastination - that we put things off even when we know we will be worse off as a result. So why do we procrastinate at all given it’s so bad for us? The function of procrastination is short-term mood repair. We procrastinate because it makes us feel better in the short term, even when that’s at the expense of achieving longer-term goals. Research even shows that the more negative our mood, the more time we spend procrastinating. So what can we do about procrastination?
A good place to start is to think about the opposite of procrastination. A flow state is the closest we experience to the opposite of procrastination. When we experience flow our attention is fully focused, we feel flexible and adaptable, our skills are challenged, we feel great and time flys by. So how do we achieve flow? Flow is assisted by clear goals, flexibility in pursuing those goals, lots of feedback, and an opportunity to stretch our skill set. So here are six practical approaches you can try to get into flow and overcome procrastination:
Choose to be challenged in an area of interest: Boredom increases the risk of procrastination, so we want to focus our attention towards tasks that are interesting. Being guided by our interests can get us out of the procrastination rut and ready to tackle other more challenging areas.
Set goals and deadlines to work towards: We prioritise and work harder to achieve tasks that have a deadline, so use that to your advantage.
Boost your mood before you begin: Given procrastination is a technique to restore our mood, boosting our mood reduces the risk of procrastinating in the first place. Go for a walk around the block or undertake some other mood-boosting activity before you tackle a task that you typically put off.
Minimise distractions: Turn off wifi or use settings to reduce notifications and access to distracting apps.
Involve others: Gather people who can provide encouragement, mentoring and feedback. It’s harder to procrastinate when others are checking in and holding you accountable.
Work in bursts: Set a timer for 15 minutes and start working. When the 15 minutes is up, assess whether you can put in an extra 15 minutes. The urge to procrastinate tends to fade away once we get started.
There’s no need to be plagued by procrastination. Give these practical tips a try and let me know how you go. If you want to dive into this topic in more detail, our Leadership Today subscription includes a recorded webinar called “A Procrastinator’s Guide” and also a five day Defeat Procrastination challenge. Go to www.learn.leadership.today for more information and use the promo code PODCAST at checkout for 25% off an annual subscription.
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Leadership Today On-Demand is a video subscription service that allows you to work on your leadership in your own time and at your own pace. It is available online and through our Apple iOS and Android apps for phones and tablets. Our mission is to help you to become an even better leader.
Your subscription brings together all of our video content in one place including:
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